Barry County Level Up Campaign
The Plan
Hire workforce Development Coordinator, done, hire administrative assistant, hire community development coordinator, move into new building, convert current building to the Barry County Innovation and Coworking Station, attract more eco-friendly, sustainable businesses to make Barry County the Sustainability Capital of Michigan, create training programs for the jobs of the futures, do a better job of promoting Barry County, increasing the number of incubator and coworking spaces throughout the County, elevate the economy and the well-being of our neighbors, and take Barry County to the NEXT LEVEL.
Barry Bucks
The Barry Bucks program is a valuable component of the Chamber’s “Shop Local” campaign and part of our resolve to keep dollars local and support Chamber member businesses!
Affordable, Quality Living in a Desirable Marketplace
It’s In Our Nature.
The Barry County Chamber and Economic Development Alliance welcome you on your exploration of Barry County and all it has to offer!
Nestled between urban centers of southwest Michigan, Barry County welcomes you with a rural “up north” feel and charm with the convenience of easy urban access. Whether you are a resident, visitor, business owner, or simply exploring your options, you will find a glimpse of all that Barry County has to offer right here.
We are pleased to provide you with a complete resource of member businesses, organizations, and partnering communities so diligently committed to the growth and prosperity of Barry County.
The Chamber and Economic Development Alliance strive to preserve and improve the rural quality of life through business and family-friendly communities and a unique and vibrant selection of businesses and amenities, surrounded by the serenity and beauty of all that nature has to offer.

Investment Guide

Community Directory