Business in Barry County

The Michigan SBDC provides counseling, training, and research to assist small business to launch, grow, transition, and innovate.
The Michigan Small Business Development Center (SBDC) enhances Michigan’s economic wellbeing by providing counseling, training and research for new ventures, existing small businesses, and advanced technology companies.
With our headquarters at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, 11 regional offices and more than 20 satellite offices, we provide entrepreneurs and business owners with convenient access to counseling and training throughout Michigan.
For more information on how the SBDC can help you start your business, visit their website at

The Biz
The BIZ! Business resource centers are conveniently located throughout Barry County, at local community libraries. The BIZ! Resource centers support entrepreneurship in Barry County with:
- Reading material, including 25 best picks by local business owners
- Websites with links to important resources
- Mentoring by local entrepreneurs
- Barry County SCORE Counseling
For more information, visit your local library or contact us.

The Barry County Chamber and Economic Development Alliance has partnered with a valuable small business counseling service supported by the Small Business Administration.
SCORE, Counselors to America’s Small Business, is available by appointment at the Chamber office or on-site at your business. Volunteer counselors provide an array of expertise and experience. To expand the breadth of value in Barry County, the Chamber has partnered with SCORE Grand Rapids serving as the Barry County Branch Office.
To set up a free appointment with a SCORE Counselor, call (616) 771-0305.
Visit SCORE for tools, templates, and sample documents.
Tool Kit
- Business Plan Outline
- How to Write a Business Plan
- Business Plan Complex
- Business Plan Complex with Explanations
- American FactFinder – Get the most recent demographic information from the federal government!